Time of Reckoning FAQs

What is Time of Reckoning?
Time of Reckoning was a series of community engagement sessions grounded in healing justice focusing on the criminal justice system and its collateral consequences on Black families in Minnesota. The series consisted of five critical community healing and policy action engagements that aimed to illustrate to the nation what community-centered policy change can look like.


What is the goal of Time of Reckoning?
Time of Reckoning sets out to bring about racial justice through fixing the criminal justice system. It approaches this work through 4 goals: 

  • Ensure the community sets the agenda, defines the problem, and identifies solutions.

  • Reimagine the relationship between the state, philanthropy, and the community.Support local Black led organizations, advocates, and community leaders to heal, reimagine, define, and develop a shared strategy for Black led social change through a criminal justice lens that is intersectional.

  • Host a policy action roundtable that invites local power brokers to the table to partner with the community in the

  • execution of that work with resources.


How were Time of Reckoning’s issue areas and goals decided upon?
Time of Reckoning arrived at its goals and approaches in coordination with the community it serves. To learn more about how this process and how it unfolded, we encourage you to dive into our engagement sessions and the corresponding policy action report


Who is Time of Reckoning led by?
Time of Reckoning is convened by the Black community and co-chaired by Dr. Brittany Lewis of Research in Action (RIA) and Dr. Joi Lewis of Joi Unlimited and Healing Justice Foundation. Time of Reckoning’s community engagement sessions, held in 2020 and 2021, were also led with the support of many activists and leaders (across various industries) in the community.  

In what location does Time of Reckoning focus its work?
Time of Reckoning focuses its work in the state of Minnesota with an emphasis on the Twin Cities.

How is Time of Reckoning funded?
Time of Reckoning is funded by the Bush Foundation, the McKnight Foundation, GHR Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, and the Pohlad Family Foundation. This work is also supported by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights — the state’s civil rights enforcement agency. If you are interested in joining this collective effort to keep Time of Reckoning’s work moving forward, please contact Dr. Brittany Lewis of Research in Action (RIA) at drbrittanylewis@researchinaction.com or Dr. Joi Lewis of JoiUnlimited and Healing Justice Foundation at operations@healingjusticefoundation.org

Who are the policymakers and institutions that Time of Reckoning is working alongside?
Key individuals and organizations involved in this work include the MN Department of Corrections, the Metropolitan Council, the Ramsey County Bail Reform Work Group, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, Ramsey County Attorney John Choi, and Commissioner Rebecca Lucero of the MN Department of Human Rights.

What are some of the accomplishments resulting from Time of Reckoning’s work?
Early wins that the Time of Reckoning team are excited about include: 

  • Hennepin County is drafting its first RFP for a Reparations Consultant Team. 

  • Hennepin County and Village Arms hosted a child protection task force to reunify black children to their families.

  • The MN Department of Corrections offers free college programs to low level incarcerated individuals in partnership with Ujamaa, Bridges, and Metro State.

You can learn more about forward movement of this work through our report, Phase II: Listening to Accountability.

Where can I learn more about the milestones of Time of Reckoning’s work?
You can learn more about Time of Reckoning’s work by exploring our website and through engaging with our session reports. Click here to engage with the latest insights and findings from our sixth report, Phase II: Listening to Accountability.

How can I participate and get updated information on what’s happening with Time of Reckoning?
If you’re receiving this email, you are on our email list and we will keep you updated as we continue to make progress with policymakers and our goals.

Will Time of Reckoning host additional engagement sessions for community members and policymakers?
At this current time, there is no plan to host additional engagement sessions as Time of Reckoning is shifting into the action phase of its work — a phase which ensures that the resources, relationships, and accountability measures are in place to endure challenges and see change through. 

I have additional questions about Time of Reckoning or would like to be funder/partner organization
For additional insight about this work or how to become a funder/partner organization, please reach out to Dr. Brittany Lewis of Research in Action (RIA) at drbrittanylewis@researchinaction.com. Please note that Time of Reckoning is not a grant making organization.